Each Wisconsin season brings its own smells when you are outside. While out for a recent stroll, I could smell my neighbor doing laundry thanks to their choice of dryer sheets or laundry conditioner. Another neighbor was grilling burgers or something equally delicious smelling for dinner. Earlier this Spring, I enjoyed the fragrance of the numerous crab apple and fruit trees in our neighborhood. Don't you love the sweet smell of freshly cut grass? This time of year, I get to enjoy that smell almost every day. How about the scent of a rainstorm?
Strolls in the Fall are among my favorite thanks to the pungent smells of dry and decaying leaves as they crunch under my feet. A warm Fall afternoon and a crispy path to parts unknown.
Sometimes those fragrances while out walking aren't as pleasant. The rotting carcass of a dead animal, the smell of a neighbor banished to smoke outdoors. Or the occasional smell of bad breath while exchanging pleasantries with a neighbor. A wet dog. I can even smell a smoker as they drive by in their car. The smell of cigars, pipe and cigarettes carry in their wake as they drive down the road.
I know I have a keen sense of smell--my ex-husband used to accuse me of smelling beer on his breath over the phone! But the other day, I could have sworn I smelled grape bubble gum. Not a soul in sight--not sure my sniffer was smelling correctly, but I'll take grape bubble gum over rotting animal any day!