Monday, June 26, 2017

The Smells of a Walker

Each Wisconsin season brings its own smells when you are outside.  While out for a recent stroll, I could smell my neighbor doing laundry thanks to their choice of dryer sheets or laundry conditioner.  Another neighbor was grilling burgers or something equally delicious smelling for dinner.  Earlier this Spring, I enjoyed the fragrance of the numerous crab apple and fruit trees in our neighborhood. Don't you love the sweet smell of freshly cut grass? This time of year, I get to enjoy that smell almost every day.  How about the scent of a rainstorm?

Strolls in the Fall are among my favorite thanks to the pungent smells of dry and decaying leaves as they crunch under my feet. A warm Fall afternoon and a crispy path to parts unknown.

Sometimes those fragrances while out walking aren't as pleasant.  The rotting carcass of a dead animal, the smell of a neighbor banished to smoke outdoors.  Or the occasional smell of bad breath while exchanging pleasantries with a neighbor.  A wet dog.  I can even smell a smoker as they drive by in their car.  The smell of cigars, pipe and cigarettes carry in their wake as they drive down the road.

I know I have a keen sense of smell--my ex-husband used to accuse me of smelling beer on his breath over the phone!  But the other day, I could have sworn I smelled grape bubble gum.  Not a soul in sight--not sure my sniffer was smelling correctly, but I'll take grape bubble gum over rotting animal any day!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Illuminate Yourself!

It's the dead of winter.  That time of year when it is dark outside when I drive to work in the morning and soon after I get home from work at night.  So for those of us who like to exercise, it is dark out for our walk/run. You need to dress appropriately folks!

The other morning, I was driving in the subdivision and drove past a young women dressed from head to toe in dark clothing.  I had to swerve my car to miss her!  What is she thinking?

I remember reading an article once that said to assume the driver does not see you. How true that is and I am speaking from experience.  One morning I was at the corner of an intersection and a car came up to the stop sign to stop. I stepped out into the crosswalk (assuming he saw me) and just about lost my life!  Maybe he was looking across the intersection but he just about ran over my right foot.  Thank goodness I was able to jump backwards onto the snowbank!  From that point forward, I've learned that patience is key to staying alive--let the man in the big vehicle go first!

Reflective vests, hats, gloves are quite common and easy to find.  Quite inexpensive too.  There are also reflective bands you can velcro to your arms, or wear around your ankles/legs.  I also have an arm band that pulses neon light the entire time I am walking.  We have a reflective leash for our dog.  Flashy lights you can attach to your clothes can be found at most bike or sports shops--lots of solutions to help you walk safely and to help a driver see you well ahead of contact.  No contact is key--illuminate yourself folks!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dog Poop

Yes! I said it!  Poop, a.k.a. poo, crap, dung, fecal matter, #2, or doo doo.....when you have a dog, you have it in abundance.  Some owners handle it well, but others do not.

We are the family who follows the dog outside and picks up the crud as it is deposited.  Into a bag, knotted and into the trashcan it goes.  When I walk my dog, I carry it with me until the walk is complete. When we are back home--into the trash can it goes.  Even on trash days--when our neighbor's cans are accessible at the ends of their driveways....I carry it to our own trashcan.  

I do not leave it along the roadway.  I do not toss it in someone else's trash can. I do not toss it in my neighbor's yard waste bag. 
Poo bag left on sidewalk

Our subdivision is a large loop, so walkers pass our home on their way into the subdivision and on their way out. So if I see you walk by with a poo bag dangling from your mitts, I expect to see it when you walk by on the way out! Take it with you back to your own abode. Be responsible and be a great neighbor! We don't need more poo!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Equal Opportunity Destroyer

One of the things I love about living where I do (in Bayside, Wisconsin) are the many species of wildlife.  I'm mostly attracted to the variety of birds we can attract to our yard through our bird baths, peanut tray and bird feeder.

This morning I noticed the abundance of rabbits in our neighborhood. Where are the coyotes when we need them?  I counted 16 rabbits on my 50-minute wonder my garden plants are doing so poorly.  It doesn't seem to matter where they are, they seem to live everywhere.  

I have a small trap and could try and catch them and repatriate them somewhere else, but I believe I'd be doing that all summer long. So I need to find that secret potion to keep them away from my gardens...cayenne pepper spray, or the pepper itself? Fox urine pellets...nothing seems to be working. Fences defeat the purpose of a garden to enjoy....I'd rather do the enjoying and not the rabbits. They truly are equal opportunity destroyers.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Smells of Summer

One of the things I love about living near Lake Michigan is that (a) it is typically cooler with nice lake breezes and (b) our growing season is delayed compared to our counterparts who live west of Milwaukee. (It is late June and I have yet to turn on our air conditioning!)

In my early morning walks through the neighborhood, I am still smelling peony bushes and a few late blooming lilacs.  The crab apple trees are done blooming this year--I already miss their overpowering scent.  One morning in particular, I was thankful I do not have allergies because the scent was so strong in portions of the neighborhood I got a headache (but I'm not complaining!)

While out on my many walks, I notice that some fellow walkers listen to music.  I'm a purist and listen to nature. Owls hooting, birds chirping, and squirrels scolding.  Some late afternoon/early evening walkers talk on the phone.  I've often wondered how sore their arm is when I see them do the loop near our house (15 minutes) and are talking on the phone the entire time.

Walking at the start of the day, early enough where I am the only person out and about, works for me.  If I wait until after work, my walk and exercise sometimes doesn't happen.  I strive for at least 10,000 steps each day. I choose to wear a Fitbit...I've had mine for several years.  It tracks my steps and sleep (or lack thereof.)

So tomorrow as I head outside to begin my day, I'll be taking deep breaths and enjoying the smells of summer in Bayside, Wisconsin.