One of the things I love about living where I do (in Bayside, Wisconsin) are the many species of wildlife. I'm mostly attracted to the variety of birds we can attract to our yard through our bird baths, peanut tray and bird feeder.
This morning I noticed the abundance of rabbits in our neighborhood. Where are the coyotes when we need them? I counted 16 rabbits on my 50-minute wonder my garden plants are doing so poorly. It doesn't seem to matter where they are, they seem to live everywhere.
I have a small trap and could try and catch them and repatriate them somewhere else, but I believe I'd be doing that all summer long. So I need to find that secret potion to keep them away from my gardens...cayenne pepper spray, or the pepper itself? Fox urine pellets...nothing seems to be working. Fences defeat the purpose of a garden to enjoy....I'd rather do the enjoying and not the rabbits. They truly are equal opportunity destroyers.
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