Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dog Poop

Yes! I said it!  Poop, a.k.a. poo, crap, dung, fecal matter, #2, or doo doo.....when you have a dog, you have it in abundance.  Some owners handle it well, but others do not.

We are the family who follows the dog outside and picks up the crud as it is deposited.  Into a bag, knotted and into the trashcan it goes.  When I walk my dog, I carry it with me until the walk is complete. When we are back home--into the trash can it goes.  Even on trash days--when our neighbor's cans are accessible at the ends of their driveways....I carry it to our own trashcan.  

I do not leave it along the roadway.  I do not toss it in someone else's trash can. I do not toss it in my neighbor's yard waste bag. 
Poo bag left on sidewalk

Our subdivision is a large loop, so walkers pass our home on their way into the subdivision and on their way out. So if I see you walk by with a poo bag dangling from your mitts, I expect to see it when you walk by on the way out! Take it with you back to your own abode. Be responsible and be a great neighbor! We don't need more poo!

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